Madonna Forsakes New York

Madonna, in this month's Vanity Fair "Green" issue, says that New York is "not the exciting place it used to be. It still has great energy; I still put my finger in the socket. But it doesn't feel alive, cracking with that synergy between the art world and music world and fashion world that was happening in the 80s. A lot of people died." Oh how novel. This is mighty rich coming from a singer/actress/whateverelse whose only interaction with the city in the past many years has been through carefully planned media events and bodyguard-escorted trips to her schmancy Upper West Side gym. I guess this is just how some artists get when they age, always pining away for the halcyon days, never realizing that they're so entrenched in their mansions and clothing and plundered babies that they wouldn't know "cracking...synergy" if it bit them on the airbrushed ass. [NYMag] Inside photos from the issue after the jump.