(Almost) Inside the "Dave Eggers Art Show"

As we told you before, author and McSweeney's founder Dave Eggers is curating an art show! A very important, very humorous art show. Paddy from Art Fag City went to the opening! Well, she stood in line at the opening...
"I stood outside Apex Art in the hopes of viewing "Lots of Things Like This", an exhibition curated by Mr. McSweeney himself, Dave Eggers. "What's going on?" asked one casual observer, to which someone replied, "It's Dave Eggers' exhibition," as though he were the artist, not the curator. "Is it a club?" the guy continued, unfortunately prompting the kind of response that only fuels the thought that the art world is full of snots, "No!" I said haughtily, "It's a not for profit gallery space"...
I witnessed about five million camera flashes go off at the corner of Church and 6th ave. I assume it was either Mayor Bloomberg or Mr. Eggers, though at that point I didn't care enough to check it out."
Drawing by David Shrigley