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Should Britney have skipped that whole "comeback" disaster at the MTV Video Music Awards and just headed straight to television? TV Guide is reporting today that Spears is "in talks" to reprise her role as a dermatologist's secretary in love with Josh Radnor's character on How I Met Your Mother, due to critical approval and a dramatic increase in the show's ratings that night. Yahoo reports that the allegedly sinking show drew in 10.6 million viewers tuning in to Britney's episode, compared to the average 7.8 million average for the season. Paired with reports that Brit has reunited with her former manager Larry Rudolph, it looks as though her Comeback Tour has finally been given some fuel, albeit slightly later than scheduled...

Rudolph, of course, is the man responsible for turning Britney from a cute and quasi-talented blonde girl in a Catholic girl's skirt into an international celebrity and, somehow, magically sustained the act for half a decade. But after allegedly attempting to force her into rehab, the union disintegrated, and we all know what's happened since. And if Spears works her charm on the small screen once more, and gives whatever undoubtedly genius plan Randolph has for saving her career a chance, there might actually be hope for her faded star to light fire again. Strange how Britney's ability to step back into the spotlight is almost directly linked to the time it's taken to grow that damn hair back, no?