This probably goes without saying, but the NRA's battle to protect our homes from British colonialists will never be the same without Charlton Heston. So, in honor of the late Mr. Heston, we here at Defamer decided it was high time to bring in the big guns (well, maybe not "big" like the .44 Magnum Clint Eastwood used in Dirty Harry, but this one's got all the unexpected firepower of that little garter gun Angelina Jolie wore in Mr. & Mrs. Smith). That's right, long time confidante of Defamer Paula Dixon will be joining us in a guest blogger capacity for the next two days. You may know her from her court-ordered anger management therapy/comedy blog, People Paula. Or from Suicide Girls. Or from PornTube. Or was it GodTube? We always get those two confused. Either way, we hope you'll give her a proverbial hug as she begins her Defaming duties. Hey you, we said proverbial. Now, on with the show...