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"The Gawker is the modern day version of Playgirl, a 'straight' publication gay men feel good about buying because they're tired of low quality faggy stuff the pink media puts out." That's former gay porn star and current conservative blogger Matt Sanchez's take, and no facts will get in the way of his analysis! We asked Sanchez, who believes all contributors to Gawker are homosexual, to comment on today's post about all the gays working at the New York Times. And the former Freshmen magazine cover model blows the doors off liberal media lies such as "the Gawker's stance that it is a non-gay website"!

The Gawker is the modern day version of Playgirl, a "straight" publication gay men feel good about buying because they're tired of low quality faggy stuff the pink media puts out. In fact, anything with the term gay has already become a joke for "stupid", "silly" or "sub-standard". Don't believe me? Just look at the comments below and you'll see the most common insult thrown my way is "fag".

Pretty soon, "homophobe" will mean anyone who doesn't agree with the Gawker's stance that it is a non-gay website. Fast forward to the Gawker piece on the "gay cabal" at the New York Times.

The Grey Lady has always been a beard for left-wing woofters in search of the legitimacy a rumpled copy of Freshmen would never provide. (Full-disclosure here, I was the cover model for Freshmen or a magazine like it sometime back in the 90's, so I am authorized to comment on the readership) The real problem is when whack jobs editors try to pass off their advocacy views as "common sense" or as "mainstream". The truth is, despite the pushing of the agenda by the New York Times and her acolytes like the Gawker, most Americans are opposed to a radical issue like gay marriage, and many of them read the Sunday edition.

He also sent us that new picture you see!