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Miley: In three years, all that money is going to be mine and I'm going to get this rad house in Los Feliz and I'm gonna have Lindsay Lohan be my maid. There's going to be sick parties 24/7.

Mom: Ha ha ha! Little does she know that she isn't going to have access to her money until she's 21. Our accountant rules!

Miley: I can't wait to drive. Finally, I won't have to go to Coffee Bean with my mom or be dependent on FWC, you know, friends with cars. I wonder if Villa will be still cool when I'm old enough to go there. Maybe Skybar will be cool again. That place sounds so futuristic.

Mom: I really should take Dina Lohan's phone calls and ask for advice and then do the direct opposite of what she says. When is my daughter going to stop throwing the peace sign? I get it, all the people who watch TMZ get it, you're into peace. Why not mix it up and make a different hand gesture or just smile? Maybe, I should conference in Britney Spears' mom into that Lindsay Lohan call.

[Photo Credit: Splash News]