Odious Attorney Couple Settles Asinine Smoking Lawsuit

Jonathan and Jenny Selbin—two people who deserve one another—are both attorneys and the worst neighbors you could possibly imagine. In February, they filed a lawsuit against their neighbor for smoking in her own apartment, taking her to court even after she bought air purifiers because her smoking was "endangering" their sensitive child. The note they slipped under her door at the time read "As you may not be aware, we are both lawyers and both litigators, for whom the usual barriers to litigation are minimal." That bit made them the runaway winners of our February ""Which snippet from the Times Real Estate section makes you most want to assault the person in the story?" contest. Now, the suit has been settled [NYT]—and the Selbins are concerned about their own reputation.
Their neighbor agreed to install air filters and use a smokeless ashtray. The Selbin's suit did not even allege that the smoke was coming into their apartment, just the common hallway in the building. Once publicity about the suit got out, a company called Aerus donated the air filters for free.
Attorney, plaintiff, and terrible rat bastard Jonathan Selbin hopes that this messy affair doesn't make him look bad:
Mr. Selbin indicated on Monday that the publicity surrounding the lawsuit had not been pleasant. "I am confident you will find a way to make us look like terrible people all over again for insisting on such an onerous thing," he said in the e-mail message.