Why Superman Will Always Suck

A point-by-point explanation of why Superman is the worst superhero. It's not just because he's indestructible! Highlights are below. [Bam Kapow]
1. Indestructibility: "We obviously go into most superhero stories more or less positive that the hero won't die, but they still entertain us because the hero doesn't know that."
2. Moral absolutism: "Superman has no values of his own, so he's content to just uphold the values of the ruling class."
3. Truth, justice, and the Kryptonian way: "You could say he's a symbol of 'hope,' but not hope in human nature - hope in an all-powerful alien who saves the world daily so you don't have to get off your butt and act like a moral person."
4. Powers given < powers earned
5. Batman > Superman: "It's five times harder for Batman to do anything which Superman takes for granted on a daily basis, yet he often does it a hell of a lot better."
6. To fix these problems is to turn him into another superhero altogether: "Heck, Superman's arc in Kingdom Come isn't even anything deeper than "America has forgotten me and I them, and we need to restore faith in one another." Wow - real interesting. While you're doing that, Batman will be over in the corner, contemplating suicide.