Sad Martha Stewart's Dead-Dog Blogging is Trying to Break Our Heart

Who would have guessed that Martha Stewart's late dog Paws would look like this? We had her pegged as more of a Labrador person. But her doggie died, and she's grieving via a photoessay on her blog. It's a truly stark portrait of grief and the saddest thing ever.
We are sad for Martha, but ultimately feel she's acting out her grief in an inappropriate and rather unforgiving venue.
For example, the photo captions: "One of Paw Paw's final smiles." "Paw Paw the day before - he just wanted to sleep." "I went outside for one last pee." "I'm not even dreaming anymore." Stop, Martha; we are practically crying at work!!
Oh, no: and then she photographs Paws, presumably right before he was put to sleep. Paws looks so stoic, so ready for the afterlife. Martha has her head buried in her fur.

Excuse me; I need to step outside for a moment for a cigarette and a cry. Rest in peace, Paws.