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As much as we poke fun at Momager/Pimp Dina Lohan for her questionable parenting techniques and famewhore-y tactics to become just as cool and famous as her bankable daughter Lindsay, we secretly can't ignore the fact that having her as a mother might simply be loads of fun. Sure, you don't really have a role model, and you can't expect anyone to pick you up after school, but it's not like you go to school anyway! In Ali Lohan's case, you go to Las Vegas. reports that Dina and Ali hit the strip to shoot scenes from their upcoming reality show Living Lohan and, from the sounds of it, had a grand ol' Britney Spears-in-garters kind of stay...

Though much of E!'s upcoming shitshow of a reality mess Living Lohan was said to be filmed on Long Island, where the Lohan clan was born and raised (however loosely), Dina still seems intent on showing the world hot incredibly awesome she is by taking Ali to Vegas a few days ago. And they're planning on bunking there for an extended stay while Ali records an album (shocker!) at The Palms. So what was on Dina's agenda? Seems her maternal instincts kicked in before after hours-fun began, and Ali was sent back to her room while Dina made a pit stop at the Playboy Club to down Sex on the Beaches. Just like a regular college kid on spring break. Well, one with three kids and a divorce under her belt, but who's counting?