Finally, An Excuse To Talk About Jason Segel's Flaccid Penis

Hey, remember Knocked Up and Superbad? Sure, they were each a little sexist and homoerotic (not that there's anything wrong with that), respectively, but nonetheless spawned the adjective "Apatovian." Now any movie featuring a lovable goof and the Apatow players, also known as the cast of Freaks and Geeks, gets a rave. The latest is Forgetting Sarah Marshall, starring 73 frames of Jason Segel's penis. A tipster writes in to complain that the Entertainment Weekly review and the Slate review are awfully similar, both using Segel's body (penis) as a metaphor for the movie. Well, isn't his penis a metaphor for everything?
In EW, Lisa Schwarzbaum writes,"As embodiments go, the Segel physique, a long, pale, uncooked dinner roll of a shape, is an apt one for the attractions of this very funny, very chewy, partially undercooked comedy."
Dana Stevens also can't get enough of Segel's ironically hot-bod: "Like its hero, 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' is a little soft around the middle, but all the more lovable for that."
Plagiarism? Probably not. But what kind of message are these reviews sending to film students? In the real world, a doughy body won't solve plot problems.