Jason Segel to Play David Foster Wallace in Forthcoming Film
Jordan Sargent · 12/11/13 11:19PMCaity Weaver · 09/24/13 03:32PM
Jason Segel Receives Rejection Letter From Hillary Clinton
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/01/12 10:13AMThink Like a Man Beats Latest From Judd Apatow
Louis Peitzman · 04/28/12 03:50PMThe Five-Year Engagement: Who's Afraid of Jason Segel's Body?
Rich Juzwiak · 04/27/12 01:06PM
In pop culture, we often take for granted the Adonis (so many visible abs dull the senses) and overlook the waistline of a funny or straight man. Strangely, the everydude build of Jason Segel is a frequent topic of fascination. He made it that way when he dangled his half-fluffed cock in front of the country in 2008's Forgetting Sarah Marshall, his male lumps taking a backseat to the taboo.
Michelle Williams and Jason Segel Are Dating: Pretty Cute, Huh
Max Read · 03/28/12 10:19AMJason Segel Is Too Good for the Muppet Sequel
Brian Moylan · 03/01/12 12:59PMDemi and Ashton Reunite, Freak Out, on Yom Kippur Camping Trip
Maureen O'Connor · 10/11/11 10:55AMJason Segel and John Krasinski Crash Bachelorette Party, Sing Drunken Karaoke
Whitney Jefferson · 06/22/11 02:50PMAs the story goes, an inebriated John Krasinski and Jason Segel crashed a bachelorette party in Ann Arbor, Michigan last night. TMZ has video of the pair singing "Brown Eyed Girl" with the lucky bride-to-be and a sex doll, but we're pretty taken with their performance of Joe Cocker's "A Little Help With My Friends." And damn if we don't love watching drunk celebrities sing songs together.
Finally, the Real Muppets Movie Trailer
Seth Abramovitch · 06/19/11 10:01PMAfter three teaser fakes, the real, full-length trailer for the upcoming The Muppets has finally come out. Does it put to ease my growing concerns over what Jason Segel and company would do with Kermie and the gang? For the most part, yes, though I still have some reservations. But there's fart shoes, a new Muppet who looks a lot like Gene Simmons, Miss Piggy in a Chanel suit, and a Starship sing-along. How bad could it be? (And is that a "K & P" I spy on the wrought iron gate?) The movie opens November 23rd. [Muppets Studio]
The Muppets: A New Puppet for a New Age
Richard Lawson · 05/23/11 03:13PMHere's a teaser trailer for the new Muppets movie, written by Jason Segel and Nicholas Stoller, a passion project of Segel's that's been in the works for several years now. It looks... muppety?
Bad Teacher Red Band Trailer: Cameron Diaz Sure Is Filthy!
Richard Lawson · 02/23/11 03:11PMHere's a red-band (meaning: NSFW) trailer for Bad Teacher, a shock-comedy about a Cameron Diaz saying "fuck" a whole fuck of a lot. She's playing a, um, bad teacher who decides she needs a boob job in order to impress Justin Timberlake's character, who she thinks is rich. If he's rich and he marries her, she can quit teaching! But, of course, there's a problem.
Gwyneth Paltrow to Bless Us With a Song Once More
Richard Lawson · 02/04/11 03:16PMJason Segel and Paul Rudd Meet Rush for the First Time
Kristina Grosspietsch · 01/31/11 12:26PM'Swear You Won't Try Anything Funny? ... Dammit.'
Maureen O'Connor · 01/18/11 01:20PMCBS Forces the HIMYM Cast to Show Their Love for the Show
Matt Toder · 01/05/11 11:29AMWhat a conveniently timed little piece of PR this is: the cast of HIMYM talking about how much they love the show. It's got laughs and earnest talk and you just know CBS forced it in response to Monday's episode.