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Not content to pin the blame for Internet prostitution on usual suspect Craigslist, Kenneth Franzblau — New York State's director of Human Trafficking Prevention — cites MySpace as a hotspot of criminal sexual activity. Franzblau is an Eliot Spitzer appointee. You'd think maybe, prior to the former governor's departure in a prostitution scandal, he'd have briefed Franzblau on how to actually find hookers on the much-blinged social network. Could someone forward him a link to the following helpful tips?

  • Skip over spam. Spammers pushing phone sex, camgirls, and penis pills are among the earliest adopters of every new social network. If their "friends" are few, or have similarly sketchy biographies, the supposed "girl you can meet tonight!" is probably a scam, too. Most friends have at least some friends in common. If few of her friends have added her back, or if their profiles are mostly empty, move on.
  • Sift through a pro's network Porn performers and fetish models still use MySpace for legal professional networking. So who else networks with — or at the very least, parties with — people who make a living getting naked? That's right: prostitutes. Not every hardcore actress can be had privately for the right price, but maybe someone in her Top 8 can.
  • Check her references. No one but the rankest amateur relies solely on MySpace for clients. Run her name through a few escort review sites, like TER and Big Doggie, to cross-check. If you don't turn up any search results on those sites, there's always Craigslist.

(Photo: Tatum Reed, from her MySpace profile)