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After posting our positively gorgeous presentation of the most horrific sex scenes to ever grace the big screen, we're delighted to learn of two new additions to the list. At a recent screening for Then She Found Me, starring Matthew Broderick, Colin Firth, and Helen Hunt (where has she been hiding by the way?), ex-couple Helen and Matthew gleefully dished to the NY Daily News on just what to expect during two reportedly not-so-steamy sex romps featured in the film. As the reporter informs us:

"Congratulations, Helen Hunt and Matthew Broderick! You guys have officially filmed two of the most awkward sex scenes in cinema history."

So who got it on with who, and what could possibly prompt such a mean-spirited diss from the tab?

As the trailer reveals, Helen gets to make out with both Firth and Broderick, sometimes in apartments, sometimes in the back of cabs, and sometimes just on plain ol' beds. While we don't get the full picture of what exactly is so awkward about what happens post-make outs, and as much as we adore Broderick if only because of Bueller, he's stiff as a board. Though, stiffness may not be the worst quality when it comes to filming sex scenes, no?

Anyway, here's the trailer of what looks to be a shitshow of a movie, one that we'll NEVER see.

[Photo credits: Getty, Wireimage]