Vanity Fair has done it again. In their upcoming issue, famed photographer Annie Leibovitz shot a controversial photo spread featuring Billion Dollar Girl Miley Cyrus, prompting public outrage from the Christian Coalition, Disney and, naturally, the ladies of The View. Leibovitz and VF are being accused of crossing the line between art and pedophilia by shooting Cyrus in what some are calling "topless" photos (shown after the jump). Before the issue has even hit newsstands, Miley has apologized to her fans and Disney, concerned that the spread could affect the Hannah Montana cash cow. But this isn't the first time VF has hired one of their star photographers to use her lens in an effort to reinvent the images of underage starlets by featuring them in a slightly more provocative and mature light...

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Hayden Panettiere posed in a very pin-up girl series of poses in this past December issue, Lindsay Lohan went fully topless in their January 2006 issue, and Nicole Richie played Moulin Rouge dancer, baring her tiny butt in the May 06 VF. While none of the three girls were underage (Hayden had just turned 18), the photos are far more soft-core porny than Miley's somewhat glamorous black and white snapshot.

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And, as we all recall, the July 2003 cover of VF was all about "raining teens," featuring the likes of Amanda Bynes, the Olsens, and Lindsay Lohan long before they became the powerhouses they are today. More importantly, the underage stars were all shot looking like adults. They were sexy. They were pouting. The cover officially transformed them from smiley untouchable kids to Lolitas.

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

So, here's what we're wondering. What exactly is so horrifying about seeing Hannah Montana, from behind, covering herself up with a sheet? We've already seen her in short skirts on stage, and cleavage-enhancing dresses on red carpets. All we see here is her back. Frankly, the scandal heard round the world isn't breaking our eardrums. And we sincerely hope Disney agrees.