San Francisco landlords Kip and Nicole Macy allegedly falsified emails to defame pesky tenant

New details have emerged in the landlord-tenant dispute featuring Palo Alto couple Kip Macy, a software engineer who's worked on FreeBSD, and wife Nicole Macy, a local realtor. Emails were purpotedly fabricated in the name of tenant Scott Morrow, even though he told prosecutors that he has no email account:
When a court ruled in Morrow's favor in the eviction case, a lawyer at the firm representing the Macys got an email purportedly from the tenant that read, "One day you are going to come home to the Victorian house ... and find (your three children) missing. Then each day a package will arrive with a piece of them. You are f- with the wrong person."
Now a city of renters has turned to Craigslist to exert their anger at the innocent-until-proven-guilty Nicole Macy.