Say you have a sincere interest in catching the latest The Dark Knight trailer—but not one so burning that it would require you to dash around Hollywood Blvd. counting the number of holes in aggro Chinese Theater Batman's costume, only to then learn via text message that the massive fire at Basque nightclub was in fact "The Joker's doing," before eventually corralling you and 500 other movie blog interns right back to where you started, so that you can file into a Mann's theater for the two-and-a-half-minute, viral experience of a lifetime.

Well, you could probably just search "new Dark Knight trailer" on YouTube and hope for the best—the best, in this case, being an already tampered-with trailer (this print features hand-scratched animation like you used to do in experimental cinema class) projected upon a too-small screen, with plenty of focus and sound issues for good measure. You've done it! You've beaten the system! The second The Dark Knight trailer is yours!