In a Battle of the Lesbian Talk Show Titans (and Rachael Ray, who isn't a lesbian, despite the fact that we could easily picture her spitting out tobacco juice from a softball dugout), producers of The Ellen DeGeneres Show made a last-minute attempt at blocking today's Rosie O'Donnell-themed episode of The Rachael Ray Show. The reason? Concerns that Ray's syndicated series, which used Telepictures-owned clips of Rosie's old show, would beat Ellen's (also a Telepictures production) in the ratings. The Scoop reports:

A spokesperson for the Rachael Ray show confirms the report. "Yes we did receive a legal complaint from Telepictures about Rachael Ray's tribute to Rosie. We think the complaints are invalid and without merit. We stand by the show. And, it will air as scheduled ... May 2."

The source suggested that Telepictures waited until the last minute in hopes that Ray's producers would balk, and can their pre-taped tribute to O'Donnell. "It's unbelievable," said the source. "They didn't just want to pull b-roll, they wanted the whole show off the air."

A spokesperson from Telepictures denied the complaint and said, "We love Rosie and can't wait to watch the show."

Despite Telepictures's grinchy efforts, the show aired without interruption today, delighting fans of both loud-mouthed personalities with an unabashedly nostalgic walk down Rosie memory lane, topped off by Ray's no-fuss, no-muss recipe for an "absolutely yum-o" Koosh Ball-and-cheese casserole. We've included O'Donnell's entertaining recollection of the first time she met Martha Stewart—in prison—above. ("The flavor of lemon" is now our de facto response to any question asked of us: Try it. It always works.)