Make Fun Of Fox News And Pay The Price

Fox News will always have its revenge! Back in March, news of a bedbug infestation in Fox's newsroom surfaced, and the huge PR firm Fleishman-Hillard took advantage of it to promote one of their pest control clients—offering a free de-lousing to any Fox guests. You just knew that Fox wouldn't let that insult slide. Today, the fair and balanced station got its on-air vengeance against the PR firm [PRNewser], with a little of Fox's trademark gratuitous humiliation:
Fox & Friends anchor Steve Doocy used the made-up news peg of his son telling him about a new service from AT&T, a Fleishman client. "I started looking around for it and there was absolutely no publicity on it, no press," said Doocy. But in the course of his perfectly innocent investigation, he happened to discover that Fleishman was the PR agency behind it, which naturally led into a rehashing of some old criminal charges against the firm, and a chance to mock pictures of its CEO on air. Naturally! Let's just say we're going for both sides here. Your move, Fleishman. The very worthwhile video clip is below.