It's Not TV. It's Bruckheimer/Bay Blow-Shit-Up O-Vision.

A stunning development could herald the return of one of the greatest way-above-the-title pairings in Hollywood history: that of superproducing entity Jerry Bruckheimer and überdirecting force Michael Bay, the former the explosion-loving ying to the latter's blowing-shit-up-obsessed yang. The pair's creative partnership resulted, of course, in some of the most beloved, absolutely-terrible blockbusters of the mid 1990s—but what project could satisfy their shared need for one mushroom-cloud-detonation per page and a stream of ham-fisted catchphrases that can only be fully appreciated when delivered by Nicolas Cage?
A TV series, reports Variety, based on Cocaine Cowboys, a documentary about the 1980s drug trade. Both men's involvement would be limited to executive producing services, but don't expect that to mean the impressively pedigreed series, which could end up at HBO, will skimp on spectacular action sequences. The premiere finale alone is a showstopper: An exotic sports car race through the streets of Miami results in a Saleen Twin Turbo flying in slo-mo over four lanes of Lincoln Rd. traffic, through the glass-bricked facade of a local salsa club, and into a mountain of cocaine, the drug's high gasoline-content instantly erupting into a block-consuming fireball.