Trendy Wendy fashion designer Marc Jacobs escorted yet another new gentleman friend to last night's Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Gala, though no one really seems sure who he is. He could be another MySpace find, or some aspiring hanger-on who stumbled into one of the stores one day. Or he could just be a nice fellow who Marc met at the library and they like to take walks along the river and talk about Lorrie Moore books. (Though that's not, um, likely). What a revolving door this man has! Keeping all the hookers, porn stars, and Mensa members straight (heh) can be difficult. If you need a little help, we've provided some clarification (in list form, natch) after the jump.

This all starts roughly in early 2006, and continues through to today.

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Jason Preston

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Erik Rhodes

  • Emerging in Jacobs' life early this year, he is kind of dumb, but likes to fuck. He does porn! And used to be a hooker too!
  • But, oh no, he is sad.
  • Rhodes is kicked to the curb at some point, probably because he left to play Moose Mason in an Archie On Ice show or something. Enter:
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Austin A.

Phew! That is a lot. And I am sure there is much, much more.

Image via Bauer-Griffin.