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Flemming Rose, the Danish newspaper editor responsible for publishing the controversial Muhammad cartoons that caused a global Muslim fundamentalist uproar in 2006—and which still threaten the life of one of the artists, who has been condemned by Osama Bin Ladenhas a message for all the American papers that refused to publish pictures of the cartoons even as they were writing news stories about them: thanks a lot, pussies.

"It reads on the top of the New York Times, 'All the News That's Fit to Print,' but it's very hard to argue that this was not news on February 1, 2006..."

"Europe has usually been criticized for being politically correct and on the defense when it comes to Islam, but more European newspapers published the cartoons," he said. "We might not have had the kind of ongoing crisis if more newspapers around the world would have published the cartoons at the same time because by doing so you would have drawn a clear line. ... Instead, it was pretty unclear what people in liberal democracies thought of this issue."

He's right!

[NY Sun]