Is Craig Newmark a Leninist, or just a lookalike? Don't ask a newspaper man

In the wake of eBay's suit against Craiglist, we get a touch more fear and loathing from a newspaper about the online classifieds site and local bulletin board from the Times:
[Craigslist] is also a site that is deeply tied up with the fate of newspapers — indeed, many in the newspaper industry blame the site's founder, Craig Newmark, for the downturn in their classified-advertising business.
The Times pegs the company's revenue at $80 million to $100 million annually — a lowball estimate, from what we hear — and gets founder and chairman Newmark to admit he's never donated more than $20,000 to any particular cause. But it's the kicker that makes on wonder how enthusiastic a capitalist Newmark is. "We know these guys in Google and the eBay guys, and they are not any happier than anyone else," says Newmark. "A lot of money is a burden." $10 million, his estimated take from a deal with eBay to let them buy shares in Craigslist, must not be enough for Newmark to feel burdened. Give it away, Craig — you have nothing to lose but your chains! Not to mention the Times photo, in full below, which made me wonder whether Newmark and Lenin were separated at birth.