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I Give One Big Thumbs Up To 'Margot At The Wedding'
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I Give One Big Thumbs Up To 'Margot At The Wedding'
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Scandalicous pop star/actress Miley Cyrus emerged from her self imposed exile following the Vanity Fair photo incident with a film recommendation for the paparazzi. Cyrus said of all the DVDs she watched during her time off, she enjoyed Nicole Kidman's performance in Margot At The Wedding the most. She enjoyed it so much, in fact, that she decided to purchase a similar hat to the one Kidman's character wears on the box cover. Cyrus said the film made her current problems seem so insignificant compared the nightmare it must be to live with those characters. Cyrus added if that she had to live those people, she'd probably never ever take her clothes off, even if it's under the false assumption of being art. Cyrus said, "These clothes are staying on for a while, just don't put me in a room with Nicole Kidman."

[Photo Credit: X17]