Harris, Do Whatever You Want. I'm Kind Of On Autopilot These Days.

American auteur Woody Allen avoided a lengthy on-set discussion with his D.P. Harris Savides on Tuesday afternoon. Allen just explained to Savides that he could do with whatever he wants with the lighting and framing because, as Allen bluntly put it, he's been on autopilot ever since Deconstructing Harry . According to sources on the scene, Allen said, "It's pretty much the same movie. Well, the same two movies. It's either Crimes & Misdemeanors or young girl/old guy relationship picture. I think this one is an old guy/young woman one, but at this point, I'm not even sure anymore. So, you know, go nuts with the cool lenses and film stock stuff." Then Allen added that he has no confidence in the Knicks' recent hiring of Mike D'Antoni as head coach.