In today's very special installment of Defamer Casting, our talent search reaches new pinnacles of class and cinema culture as hyper-reclusive legend Terrence Malick hits Craigslist to give away a role in his latest film, The Tree of Life. The only catch: You'll need to be a giant. "[Malick] is looking for a very tall man with tough look for shoot early June," writes casting director Vicky Boone. "Ideal look: 6'8" or taller; strong, built physique; wrestler, boxer, basketball player; strong facial features." It also couldn't hurt to live in or near Houston, where Malick is currently shooting (Yao Ming's head shot is en route as we speak). In any case, as per the custom established in Malick's previous two films The Thin Red Line and The New World, expect 95% of your performance to land on the cutting-room floor. Even Adrien Brody and Christian Bale had to pay their dues. Good luck! [Craigslist]