If I Give You These Puppies, Will You Please Give Me Some Good Press?

Grey's Anatomy Ellen Pompeo attempted to make a deal with the paparazzi over the weekend. Pompeo said that she would be willing to give the puppies to any photographer who takes a picture that puts her atop of the gossip blogs. Pompeo stated that while she's friends with her Grey's co-star Katherine Heigl, she's upset that Heigl gets all the headlines and attention. Pompeo said, "My character's name is in the title of the show, yet people only seem to focus on Katherine. Did you know she makes me call her by full name? Anyways ... Sure, she smokes cigarettes and what not, but look at me, I sort of look like Renee Zellweger and I give away cute puppies to people who'll provide them with lots of love and care. Isn't that more fun to publicize than some chain smoking hag? Oh, also, if you could pass my number along to Judd Apatow, I'll throw in six months of free dog food."