We Rescued A Girl from Paul Janka's Clutches Last Night

Occasionally we do good here, instead of the usual evil. Case in point: when a young lady met Manhattan Casanova and creepy sexual compulsive Paul Janka at a restaurant recently, she almost fell prey to his inexplicable charms. But she figured out who he was after he had her come to the Upper East Side for drinks, and then refused to come down from his apartment, hoping that she would feel pressured to enter into his lair. (That's his M.O.!) "Your blog basically saved me tonight," she wrote. "Last thursday I was at JG Melons and met this guy who gave me the F*** me eyes..." The story, and text convo, after the jump.
I stupidly gave him my bcard, as he asked me out for drinks. Last night (sat) we had plans and basically he said he was in brooklyn and wouldnt be able to meet me till later. Tried to get me to his apt, but I said I dont go to men's apts. So we made plans to meet tonight and he said to come to his neighborhood. He I said ok and he said 68th and madison.When I got there I called and he said to come up (a la the Dec14th post email you guys put up). I said I already explained I couldnt do that and that he had to come down. He politely texted meback with "Im sorry I cant do that, sorry to have wasted your time." ...I randomly thought it sounded familiar soi googled him and then looked on Gawker..."
2:04PM(Girl) Let me know if you want to do something today/tonight?
2:12PM (Janka) Yes. Around 9? What did you do last night?
2:13PM (Girl) Watched the fugitive and went to sleep. 9 works.
6:01PM (Janka) I will be on 82nd street at 7:30. Ill come say hi.....
6:34PM (Girl) I am going to the gym! Sorry.
6:50PM (Girl) Do you still want to grab a drink at 9?
6:54PM (Janka) Yes. What time are you going to the gym and what time are you returning?
6:57PM (Girl) Im headed there now- should be home around 8:15.
8:23PM (Girl) So what's ur deal?
8:26PM (Janka) Let's meet in 30
8:54PM (Janka) Come here and we'll grab something
8:58pm (Girl) Come where? I need like 15 min got tied up on a con call
8:59PM (Janka) This neck of the woods. Nice night. You can walk it....
9:04PM (Girl) 68th and Madison?
9:004PM (Janka) Sounds good.
9:18PM (Girl) On my way- 10min
9:18PM (Janka) k
9:34PM (Girl) I'm around the corner be there in a sec
9:35PM (Janka) k
9:36PM (Girl) And you'll meet me where by outside MaxMara
9:40PM (Janka) [redacted] East 68th Apt [redacted]
9:40PM (Girl) I'm not coming up I told you that last night.....remember? Meet me downstairs
9:41PM (Janka) I can't do that. Sorry to have wasted your time.
"Basically," our gal writes, "I feel pretty stupid about the whole thing. There were def other red flags... I have showered like 3 times and still feel nasty after figuring out it was him. I had made it clear then that I would NOT go to his apt, yet he persisted on baiting me on Sunday night. Guys like that make me want to buy a tazer....gross."
Gawker: protecting NYC women from skeevy guys since 2007. Not afraid to be servicey!