So This Is What It Feels Like When Doves Cry: Part 2

On the set of her new film The Ugly Truth , popular actress Katherine Heigl was greeted by her future self, circa the year 2020. In unison, Heigl and her future self said that each other looked fabulous and asked each other what their workout secret was. Present Heigl asked her future self to go first, but she insisted that present day Heigl go first. Eventually, they agreed that, after a count of three, they would say their secret at the same time. Their workout secret turned out to be kettle bells!
After much laughter, present day Heigl asked the reason for the visit from her future self. Future Heigl said, "Well, one, I really needed a Capri Sun. We ran out of these in the future. For the most part, we're doing great in the future aside from the Capri Sun drought. Still working. Nailed the transition to the movies full-time for a little bit, but now, the dismount back into television is proving a bit more difficult. Go figure. Anyways, just wondering if I could borrow some money to produce a demo for Joshua? I thought that VH1 would pay more for a reality series, but the checks are a little smaller than I thought and taking their sweet time getting there." Present day Heigl seemed upset at the news of doing a reality series in the future, but Future Heigl assured her that it's done all in good taste and asked if it would be cool if she took the rest of the Capri Sun supply.
[Photo Credit: INF Daily]