I'm Enjoying My Sobriety!

An eager and anxious Lindsay Lohan was seen double fisting soda hoping to get the party going sooner rather than later. Lohan had to go with the double shot of pop because the party had ran out of her preferred drink of choice, Jolt Cola. Upon discovering that one of her sodas was actually caffeine free, Lohan quickly made a late night run to 7-11 to score some sweet, sweet caffeine. Lohan said, "I never realized how boring it was being at clubs straight. So, I gotta be jazzed up on something in order to survive those places. Listening to the Pussycat Dolls while some exec tries to sell me on his project. Holy smokes! I have to have about six-pack of Diet Coke and three Red Bulls to get through those nights. Why can't we just watch Grey's and get Thai food?"