Attention, Hollywood Investors: Make Your Checks Payable to 'Robert Shaye'

Now you, too, can get in on the ground floor of a major Hollywood investment opportunity: Deposed New Line kingpins Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne are coming back! Maybe! That's where you come in, according to Nikki Finke:
At one point very early on, the duo were talking about starting another New Line (and Ted Turner offered to put up some money), but I've since been assured they have given up on that dream/nightmare. Since they pocketed an extremely generous payout from [Jeff] Bewkes (unlike all those other axed NL'ers penny-pinched by Time Warner), that's what is being used to fund the new operation for the moment. But even though Bob and Michael are centi-millionaires, they're still intent on using that tried and true Hollywood formula to fund their new operation: Other People's Money.
OK, we're listening. But what's the catch?
They are looking for some outside financing so they can produce third party product. I hear Lynne is trying to raise the money through his "New York Cipriani" circuit. Tipsters tell me that he may even relocate to Los Angeles — for obvious reasons. As one insider explained to me, "Unless he's there watching the store, no one's giving him money to send out to Bob."
Yes, obviously! Anyway, to the extent any of this is actually true, here's a vital chance to be a part of history, like playing rhythm guitar with your favorite weekend-warrior bar band or — quite literally, perhaps — buying your very own John Waters movie, executive produced by [YOUR NAME HERE]. Don't expect anything in return, like a meeting with "Bob's pal" Peter Jackson or, you know, profit, but really, what price can you put on working with a pair of the industry's last true mavericks? Come to think of it, don't answer that — Shaye will have that figure for you when you meet. Just remember the magic words: Unmarked bills. Let's make a deal!