Tyra Banks Launches a Magazine; Another Paper Launches a Wine Club; Hollywood's Mediocre Summer
cityfile · 09/08/09 01:06PM• Tyra Banks is launching a web-based magazine. Tyra: Beauty Inside & Out will feature an "audio 'manifesto' that asks readers to dream big, ignore the haters, celebrate uniqueness and seek the beauty in everything." [WWD]
• James Patterson has signed a 17-book deal with his publisher, Hachette. And all 17 of them will arrive in bookstores before the end of 2012. [AP]
• All the competition online appears to be taking a toll on the Zagat guide series. Sales are down and the company has been laying off staff. [NYP]
• It was a mixed bag for Hollywood studios hoping for a big summer box office. Revenue was up 2 percent, but attendance fell 2 percent, too. [NYT]
• The Final Destination and Inglourious Bastards came in at No. 1 and 2 at the box office this weekend, beating out a handful of newcomers. [LAT]
• Following in the footsteps of the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, USA Today is the latest newspaper to launch an online "wine club." [E&P]
Could You Possibly Be Into 'He's Just Not That Into You'?
STV · 02/03/09 03:30PMSTV · 09/09/08 03:40PM

Lawsuits Waiting to Happen, Vol. MCXVIII: Now that it's been rid of Bob Shaye and his 500-thread-count sheets, New Line's bed these days seems a friendlier habitat for Mike De Luca. The studio's ex-production boss reportedly plans to exercise its genre mandate with The Thirteenth Room, a novel adaptation whose rights NL acquired Monday and which De Luca is looking to produce. Stop us if you've heard the logline before, though: "[The book] follows a man accused of brutally murdering his wife who is given a chance to save her by going back in time, in one-hour increments. He puts together clues to figure out not only who killed her but why." De Luca thinks the whole thing's pretty crafty. "It has a great cinematic structure that unfolds in reverse," he told Variety. Meanwhile, we're waiting for word on whether Christopher Nolan's lawyers plan to follow the hot new Watchmen/Disturbia model of suing De Luca after he's shot his unofficial Memento revision. It's not a trend we're fond of, but neither are remakes. Call it even. [Variety]
STV · 08/20/08 04:25PM

New Line's Survivor Party: We regret overlooking this story Tuesday afternoon, but the news that New Line plans its annual summer party despite pink-slipping its founders (and more than 500 other staffers) in April can't really get old, can it? Especially not with the party coming up tomorrow night at SkyBar of all places — a $35,000 fete for 45 people, according to Nikki Finke, with whom "studio insiders" debate the figure and argue that "[e]ven in the worst years New Line always had that party. ... Toby [Emmerich] felt like the summer party is part of New Line's DNA and to change that is a mistake." OK, but this is the last time: Expect Warner Bros. to absorb the party planning and invitation distribution duties in 2009, only to push the event back to 2010 when its other parties that year threaten to underperform. [DHD]
Celebrated Paramount Vantage Finally Embraces Cheap Genre Tradition it Was Intended For
STV · 07/16/08 11:55AM
If there was any doubt that the Paramount Vantage you know and love or maybe just really like — the art-house darling responsible for An Inconvenient Truth, Babel, Margot at the Wedding, There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men (the latter two co-produced by Miramax) — was done for, please direct your sad eyes toward the front door. There you'll find Amy Israel, handing over her ID badge before fleeing her post as VP of production and acquisitions.
STV · 06/17/08 03:10PM

While deposed New Line kingpins Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne haven't given up hope of reestablishing their little corner of low-earning industry autonomy somewhere in our glassy wilds, it couldn't hurt to hedge a bit with the ax-swingers at Warner Bros. Or so we hear today, as the Dyspeptic Duo reportedly is lining up a first-look deal at WB while still attempting to rustle up financing for their replacement shingle to be. They're already keeping their old WeHo and NYC offices, with the four-year WB pact potentially allowing Shaye and Lynne a chance to keep their sputtering maverick assembly line going without having to settle for the sloppy genre seconds Warners plans to channel into the new New Line — i.e. The Last Mimzy really was the last Mimzy. Former New Line executive VP is joining the team as well; good luck and happy fundraising to all involved. [Variety]
Attention, Hollywood Investors: Make Your Checks Payable to 'Robert Shaye'
STV · 06/05/08 06:25PMPremiere Nightmare, Lack of Testicles Leave 'SATC' Fighting Two-Front War
STV · 05/28/08 11:15AM
A hearty morning "Congrats" goes to the gang at New Line Cinema, which, in lame-duck fashion even more stylish than Carrie Bradshaw, sent its final film as a stand-alone studio into Publicity Hell when thousands of ticket-holding fans were turned away from last night's Midtown Handjob Market Sex and the City premiere in New York. Complaints have been aired everywhere — from the "near riot of Louboutin clicking girls" noted by our colleagues at Gawker to the bereft throat-cancer survivor in the Daily News — and we expect heads to roll within the hour at New Line HQ. Except, wait! They already have!
Is Today the Day For Dreaded New Line Pink Slips?
STV · 04/14/08 04:30PM
A tip into Defamer HQ suggests that today may be the last for the majority of remaining employees at New Line Cinema, the Time Warner subsidiary that has spent the last month transitioning from a stand-alone operation to a genre cog in the Warner Bros. machine. The speculation trickled down a little bit ago from a few private industry message boards; it would be the culmination of news expected since co-founders Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne made their own departures public Feb. 28. Production head Toby Emmerich surprised most observers last month by staying on as president and COO, but he's in the minority likely to stay on as the labels consolidate. Let us know if you've heard the same — you know where to find us.
WB Delays High-Profile New Line Execution (For Now)
STV · 03/19/08 02:46PM
Remember all that early speculation that New Line production boss Toby Emmerich's head wound bounce out the office door after the Great Warner Bros. Leash Yank of 2008, right behind those of co-founders Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne? Signs began pointing elsewhere not too long ago, and Claudia Eller confirms today that Emmerich is in fact staying on as New Line president and COO:
'The Hobbit' is Safe! (And Other Grim Fallout from New Line's Demise)
STV · 02/29/08 12:27PM
The forthcoming evisceration of New Line Cinema announced yesterday by founding bosses Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne was expected for a while now, but where the pieces would fall was anyone's guess. It still is to some degree, but as the grim news settles in and Time Warner overlord Jeff Bewkes' intentions come to light, we can start parsing the good, bad and the ugly wrought from New Line's demise:
Terry Semel eyes a return to Hollywood
Nicholas Carlson · 01/30/08 05:40PM
Former Yahoo CEO and Warner Bros. cochairman Terry Semel wants another job in Hollywood, Deadline Hollywood Daily reports. New Line Cinema is Semel's most likely destination; he's already met with the studio's Time Warner bosses. But the site says Semel is telling friends, "I'm looking at everything." Sounds like about a 1,000 other soon-to-be ex-Yahoos we know! Only, you know, they aren't going to make it out with $528 million, like Semel did.