I'm Wearing My Nephew's Shirt 5.70K Douglas Reinhardt 06/06/08 04:40PM Filed to: Defamer Defamer A Call To The Bullpen Gerard Butler splashpic This image was lost some time after publication.boomp3.com P.S. I Love You star Gerard Butler was caught out shopping on Robertson Blvd Thursday afternoon. Butler joked and explained that he was hoping to run into some hot babes, but instead he ran into his favorite people in the world, paparazzi. Butler then said that he was out shopping on Robertson Blvd to replace some t-shirts that he recently ripped while flexing his muscles. Butler said, "I'm not as ripped as I was in 300, but I still got it." Butler said that he doesn't intend to rip his shirts while he does normal every day actives like opening jars and killing bugs that live in the bathrooms of single women, but it just happens. Butler said that he's down to wearing clothing he intended to give as gifts until he finds suitable replacements.[Photo Credit: Splash Pics]