Seriously, how wasted do you have to be to get locked in a Williamsburg bar? Pretty wasted! "Really wasted but super nice," one of the Trophy Bar's bartenders tells the New York Times. Anyway, he passed out in the bathroom around 4a.m. and everyone went home. He called multiple people for help, but they were total assholes about it:

"Calling the police seemed extreme, so instead he dialed up friends on his cellphone. But no one picked up — it was 6 a.m. Finally, a friend who was staying at his apartment in Bedford-Stuyvesant answered and tried to shake Mr. Hausmann's roommate awake. "Kyle's stuck somewhere; he needs your help," the friend mumbled. But the roommate slept on and the friend fell back asleep.

Next, Mr. Hausmann picked up the bar's phone and hit redial, inadvertently calling the mother of one of the owners in Las Vegas.

"How did you get this number?" the woman asked. "You can't be calling because you're locked in a bar."

I love it; if this happened in Kansas City he would have been out in no time. Anyway, he managed to escape eventually. Drinking!