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Much like the rest of America, the cast and crew of Entourage's work took a back seat yesterday afternoon to watching the tantalyzing US Open playoff. At the start of the day, Turtle warned that he wouldn't be able to get into character unless he was could watch at least the last two holes of the legendary golf tournament. A portable television was quickly brought to set and soon, the entire cast crowded around the small set. A round of cheers erupted as Tiger nailed the birdie on 18; unsurprisingly, the pleas from the first A.D. for the cast to get back to work fell on deaf ears. When the tournament went into sudden death, Jeremy Piven offered Turtle the opportunity to copy down any five phone numbers from his black book in exchange for being able to hold the portable TV. At press time, it is unknown if Jerry Ferrara took Piven up on his offer.

[Photo Credit: INF Daily]