While deposed New Line kingpins Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne haven't given up hope of reestablishing their little corner of low-earning industry autonomy somewhere in our glassy wilds, it couldn't hurt to hedge a bit with the ax-swingers at Warner Bros. Or so we hear today, as the Dyspeptic Duo reportedly is lining up a first-look deal at WB while still attempting to rustle up financing for their replacement shingle to be. They're already keeping their old WeHo and NYC offices, with the four-year WB pact potentially allowing Shaye and Lynne a chance to keep their sputtering maverick assembly line going without having to settle for the sloppy genre seconds Warners plans to channel into the new New Line — i.e. The Last Mimzy really was the last Mimzy. Former New Line executive VP is joining the team as well; good luck and happy fundraising to all involved. [Variety]