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A Defamer operative sends disturbing word from the Chicago set of Michael Mann's Depp-as-Dillinger drama Public Enemies, where assistant best boy trainees and part-time bagel replenishers are now jockeying for a spot at the film's unusually exclusive wrap-party for "deserving crewmembers." We hear the 40-work-day minimum isn't stopping some serious last-minute politicking with the unit production manager and even with Mann himself, whose loyalty to well-connected extras has nothing on his famous weakness for sheepish, sad-eyed honey wagon drivers.

The full text of the letter follows the jump. Best of luck to everyone in advance of that Friday deadline!


To: All Departments
From: Production
Date: 6/18/08
Re: Wrap Party Department Guest List

To all Department Heads:

The Public Enemies Wrap Party is quickly approaching and the Production Office needs to make final arrangements on the guest list.

Unfortunately since this is a very large show, the Production Office cannot invite everyone on the crew- As a result, we would like to extend an invitation to deserving crewmembers, which have been working
on this show for more than 40 days. Please see the attached pages of crewmembers we have listed in your department to invite.

Please return your department guest list to [name redacted] in the Production office by Friday, June 20. lf the Production Office does not have your guest list by the end of the day on Friday, we will only invite department heads and their seconds.

Any questions or concerns, please contact [name redacted] at the Production office at xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Please remember that all guests are subject to approval by the UPM.

Thank you for your help and cooperation.