Hollywood 4% Filthy Richer

· Who wants good news? We do! Us too, please! Hollywood business is up 4% from last year. Isn't that fantastic?! Go ahead, major studios—spend some of that extra money on something nice for yourselves. You've earned it. [Variety]
· X-Files 2: You Had Me Until The Anal-Probe Business star Gillian Anderson will produce and star in a biopic about Martha Gellhorn—not that girl from 6th grade who made your life a living hell, but "a trailblazing female war correspondent who covered conflicts from the Spanish Civil War to Vietnam." [Variety]
· Tom Cruise CareerCoolingWatch: Clear and Present Danger director Phillip Noyce is "negotiating" to join Edwin A. Salt, which Cruise has been attached to for several drafts now—one of which will surely join the rest of his leatherbound keepsakes in the Tom Cruise Produced-Screenplay Library and Museum at Telluride. [Variety]
· The Incredible Hulk's shirtless psycho (where you been hiding those pecs, mister?) Tim Roth will make the leap to TV on Fox's Lie to Me, in which he'll play "a human lie detector." We're seeing Moment of Truth femmebot-V.O. crossover potential! [Variety]
· Christopher Guest has joined the cast of Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, thus ensuring for a few months at least that he'll be unable to produce another improvised endurance-test as wretched as For Your Consideration. Hooray! [THR]