Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny Are Together, According to Mostly Speculative Report
Louis Peitzman · 08/08/12 08:33PMAgent Scully Finally Gets a New Partner
Richard Lawson · 07/09/10 01:53PMHappy Birthday
cityfile · 08/07/09 07:02AM
Twins Charlotte and Samantha Ronson turn 32 today. David Duchovny is turning 49. Charlize Theron is 34. Author and radio personality Garrison Keillor is 67. Conservative political commentator Alan Keyes turns 59. Wayne Knight, the actor best known for playing Newman on Seinfeld, is turning 54. And Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia, is 43 today—at least according to his Wikipedia page. A handful of weekend birthdays—including that of Michael Kors, Chris Cuomo and Dustin Hoffman—follow below.
Ashley Opens Up, Trouble for Gwyneth and Chris
cityfile · 11/19/08 07:01AM
♦ The Ashley Dupre press bonanza begins: In her first print interview with People, which hits newsstands on Friday (the same day she'll appear on 20/20), Dupre says she's just a "normal girl" who has "a lot of depth," and that she feels sorry for Silda Spitzer, but doesn't blame herself for Eliot's downfall. [People, NYP]
♦ Are Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin splitting up? The two have spent very little time together since this summer, and now she's become "very good friends" with Fontainebleau hotel owner Jeff Soffer. Gwynnie reportedly spent time with Soffer (and his Bentley and yacht) this past weekend in Miami. [P6]
♦ Britney Spears is supposedly dating a 27-year-old model named Marco D'Angelo who she met through friends in Las Vegas. [Star]
♦ It looks like Anne Hathaway is attracted to lovable losers, since people who know her new boyfriend, actor Adam Shulman, say he's an "opportunist" who "went after all the heiresses" when he was a student at Brown. [P6]
The Top 10 Female TV Characters Women Want To Be Like And Men Want To Be With
Seth Abramovitch · 08/07/08 05:05PMYou didn't think we'd post last week's Top Ten of the coolest male TV characters without following up with one dedicated to all the honeys, now, did you? And while our definitive men's list—checked and rechecked by a panel of TV experts canvassed at various local correctional facilities and gourmet coffee outlets—surprisingly met with some vocal opposition, we're confident its vagina-filled counterpart will please even the most persnickety of TV-lady lovers. There's only one way to know for sure, however. Click play, and decide for yourselves.
Gillian Anderson Hands Annoying Interviewer His Ass
ian spiegelman · 07/19/08 05:55PM
So, you're Gillian Anderson, and you're about to reprise your iconic role as Agent Dana Scully for the first time in ten years in The X-Files: I Want to Believe, and your hi-larious interviewer from Newsweek opens up with these "questions": "I've got to confess. I don't know anything about 'The X-Files' [...] Why is it such a big deal?" What on earth can you say? Well, there's this.
Hollywood 4% Filthy Richer
Seth Abramovitch · 07/01/08 02:40PM
· Who wants good news? We do! Us too, please! Hollywood business is up 4% from last year. Isn't that fantastic?! Go ahead, major studios—spend some of that extra money on something nice for yourselves. You've earned it. [Variety]
· X-Files 2: You Had Me Until The Anal-Probe Business star Gillian Anderson will produce and star in a biopic about Martha Gellhorn—not that girl from 6th grade who made your life a living hell, but "a trailblazing female war correspondent who covered conflicts from the Spanish Civil War to Vietnam." [Variety]
Tender, Top-Secret Geek Riot Ensues as Duchovny, 'X-Files' Share Four Minutes with LA
STV · 06/23/08 11:25AM
All roads led to rapture for fanboys (and girls, we suppose) over the weekend at the LA Film Festival, where Sunday closed with a glimpse at scenes from the forthcoming X-Files: I Want to Believe. It seemed a busy enough couple of days elsewhere in Westwood, but it wasn't like there were shrieking throngs delivering signed thank-you cards to Diane English after a preview/discussion of her troubled updating of The Women, or a geek-to-seat ratio of 1:1 at the Melvin Van Peebles event on Saturday. This was the sort of a climactic bedlam most fests save for their closing nights, not the last screening on a sleepy Sunday.