We've already seen how Corey Haim's first day of work on the Lost Boys sequel—what should really have been a day for triumphs and smiles—quickly turned into a bloodsoaked, Euripidean tragedy. But what if we were to turn the clocks back to eight hours before his trailer meltdown? Thanks to The Two Coreys, we become a fly on the wall of Haim's improbably plush living quarters, watching him pace nervously as he attempts, via repetition of the mantra, "Breathe, dog," to locate his canine center.

One sleepless night later, he arrives on set, where dutiful assistant/underminer Nelle marks his trailer door "The Haimster." Sadly, however, this little Haimster wasn't yet ready to climb back into its wheel: his session in the mortician's wax chair quickly devolves into a rambling tribute to all his favorite uppers, quickly followed by some incoherent small talk with mortal frienemy Corey Feldman.