Bespectacled one-hit-wonder Lisa Loeb is guest blogging on the Jewish magazine Forward's advice website thing starting next Monday. Per Forward: "Lisa Loeb first tugged on America's heartstrings in 1994 with her chart-topping single "Stay (I Missed You)." Since then, the Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter with the signature eyeglasses has been turning out albums of sweet pop gems. In 2006, she released "The Very Best of Lisa Loeb." 22 Versions of "Stay"! Ha! No but seriously, here are five questions not to ask Lisa Loeb come Monday.

  • I'm a lover in love but my lover is running away. She also beats me. What should I do?
  • My boif is a great guy but the other week, he slept with my father. I thought that only happened on the internet. He says he loves me so much that he loves my father too. Am I only hearing the negative in the situation?
  • I'm profoundly deaf. Have been since childhood. Does that mean I don't want to hear anything? Is it really my fault?
  • I think I am strong but my SO thinks I'm naive. Isn't it true though that giving money to my Nigerian friends I meet through email is really paying it forward?
  • Shalom, I'm a settler in Migron, a West Bank settlement that violates the UN General Assembly resolution 60/106 of 18 January 2006. My government is planning to evacuate the settlement in the run-up of President Bush's visit. I want to do right by my country but also by my morals. My question to you Lisa is should I stay?