Of late MySpace seems in the throes of a quarterlife crisis (if there even is such a thing): MySpace celebrity, MySpace China, MySpace Sex Offender. But News Corps' owner and MySpace godhead Rupert Murdoch isn't done with the changes yet. As per a soft glow Times piece on Rupples, MySpace and its two-headed founder Chris DeWolfe/Tom Anderson, "users will soon be able to tailor their profile for subsets of friends, "so my colleagues will see a much different page than my college buddies," Mr. DeWolfe said." Which means! It'll be easier to a) be in the closet, b) play hooky from work because if one can tailor which friends display based on who is looking at the page there is not reason one can't tailor all other aspects as well or c) both a) and b) like that poor bastard on Facebook who got fired after his boss looked on his Facebook page and saw him in a faerie costume when he said he was home sick. [NYT]