Alexis Swerdloff hands out awards to the couples who celebrated their nuptials with a write-up this weekend in the New York Times.

1. Multi-ethnic-est couple: Rupa Krishnamurthy and Jeffery Wong, who took part in both a Brahmin ceremony and a traditional Presbyterian ceremony. As Rupa's mother put it, so began the marriage of a "fourth-generation Protestant Chinese and a first-generation Hindu from North Carolina."

2. Best use of Lion King tickets: Eve Thompson and Richard Robinson — we're just going to let the write-up speak for itself:

Ms. Thompson purchased "Lion King" tickets for them and during dinner conversation, she told him that she had been thinking of joining the Brahma Kumaris, who advocate avoidance of meat, alcohol, materialism and sex. Mr. Robinson, 56, a Buddhist, admired her spirituality, but, "I said to myself, 'Oh boy, I have a real challenge here.' " The next morning, as she spoke to her mother on the phone, she mentioned that she paid $250 a ticket for the show. Ms. Thompson recalled her mother's response: "I hope you slept with him, at least." "He made his move," Eve Thompson recalled, "and, to answer my mother's question: I did."

3. Winner of the Trompe l'oeil award: Luke Jernagan may look like an Other Music employee, but he's actually a priest assistant at Christ Church in Bronxville!

4. Most important dad: Jessica Adelman's father Kenneth L. Adelman was from 1981 to 1983 the deputy United States ambassador to the UN, and from 1983 to 1987, director of arms control and disarmament under President Ronald Regan. He is currently the exec director of the Arts and Ideas Series of seminars at the Aspen Institute and the senior vice president of Movers & Shakespeares, an executive coaching and training consultancy that uses Shakespeare's works as inspirational leadership tools.

5. Couple we'd most like to kick it with: Lisa Jane Persky and Andrew Zax. Let us count the ways! First off, Ms. Persky played Alice, one of Sally (Meg Ryan's) friends in When Harry Met Sally, and got to take part in this little bit of banter: Sally: What are you saying? I should get married to someone right away in case he's about to die? Alice: At least you could say you were married. Second, Andrew Zax is a music producer who specializes in archival and historical recordings including Talking Heads' "Once in a Lifetime." He was also a cast-member on the short-lived "Beat the Geeks." Third, in their early email correspondence, Ms. Persky said, "I learned that we both had a love of words… there was a lot of punning." And, finally, the couple's pragmatic view of marriage marriage: "Then, in the summer of 2004, we bought a house together and moved in," Mr. Zax said. "And once real estate became involved, it seemed the right thing to do to formalize the relationship."

6. Couple that could probably finagle for us an introduction to Sarah Jessica Parker: It was between Daniel Browne, whose father Larry Browne is the executive editor of Star magazine and Howard Schacter, the chief partnership officer at Steve and Barry's. While Browne could probably force SJP to meet with us in exchange for not publishing photos of little James Wilkie, Howard Schacter oversees partnerships for Steve and Barry's celebrity brands, which includes Sarah Jessica Parker's line Bitten. As we all know, "fashion is not a luxury, it's a right," hence, we're going to go with Howard Schacter!