Fox News' John Gibson Issues Totally Fake Apology For Being A Twat About Ledger Death

Fox News radio and television host John Gibson is the complete idiot who made offensive and unfunny remarks about Heath Ledger on his radio show the other day. Something along the lines of playing a clip from Brokeback Mountain in which Ledger's character says, "I wish I knew how to quit you" and then saying, "Well, hehe, you certainly did find a way to quit him." To appreciate the stupidity, check out the original clip. Immediately Gibson started getting heat from gay groups and well, anyone with any sense of what is okay to say and what isn't. He wouldn't back down. "Why pass up a good joke?" Two reasons, asshole. It's not good and it's not a joke. Also, he backed down.
On his television show last night, Gibson offered a transparently insincere non-apology apology that makes it clear someone with a modicum of taste at Fox had issued him an ultimatum: Say you're sorry or you're fired. So barely containing a giggle, "I'm aware Ledger had a family....once again, to anyone offended by my comments, I'm sorry." [via ThinkProgress]