Fox News' John Gibson Issues Totally Fake Apology For Being A Twat About Ledger Death
Joshua David Stein · 01/25/08 06:31AM
Fox News radio and television host John Gibson is the complete idiot who made offensive and unfunny remarks about Heath Ledger on his radio show the other day. Something along the lines of playing a clip from Brokeback Mountain in which Ledger's character says, "I wish I knew how to quit you" and then saying, "Well, hehe, you certainly did find a way to quit him." To appreciate the stupidity, check out the original clip. Immediately Gibson started getting heat from gay groups and well, anyone with any sense of what is okay to say and what isn't. He wouldn't back down. "Why pass up a good joke?" Two reasons, asshole. It's not good and it's not a joke. Also, he backed down.
Gibson's Brokeback Banter: "I'm not giving that up"
Nick Denton · 01/24/08 06:58PMMemo to John Gibson, the Fox News shockjock who found so much humor in Heath Ledger's death. Yes, you might have had some mildly homophobic fun with the Brokeback Mountain star's famous line in the gay cowboy movie, "I wish I knew how to quit you." Unwise to continue with the line after Ledger died, or "quit" life, as you joked. And even more idiotic to bluster so unrepentantly, in this more recent clip, when the gays are coming after you with their tire-irons. "I'm not giving that up," Gibson says of his Brokeback banter. Let him sacrifice something else instead, like his job.
John Gibson Sews Up Heath Ledger Memorial Bad Taste Award
Pareene · 01/24/08 12:23PM
You know what really cracks up Fox News host John Gibson? The untimely death of Heath Ledger! The one thing John Gibson knows about Heath Ledger is that Heath Ledger kissed a boy in a gay movie for gay gays, and therefore, he was probably a total gay himself, in real life. Therefore, his death is hilarious! On his radio program the other day, the hero journalist mocked Ledger's death something like half a dozen times, opening his show with a hilarious quip about Ledger quitting us and wondering if perhaps the actor killed himself after witnessing the poor performace of John Edwards in the last presidential debate. It's funny 'cause the authorities no longer suspect suicide! Even the guests joined in, with funnyman Tom Sullivan calling him "Keith Bledger" and the lady cohost whose name we didn't catch wondering, mockingly, if Keith was perhaps a "deep thinker." Can you believe that wacky morning zoo crew went there? They're saying what we're not really thinking, because what the fuck? Listen and sputter! [Think Progress, MSNBC, Previously]
Patrice Oneal Explains Donkey-Punching On Fox News
abalk2 · 05/16/07 12:13PM
A recent topic for discussion on Fox News' "The Big Story with John Gibson" was the suspension of radio "personalities" Opie & Anthony for a guest's expressed desire to rape Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and First Lady Laura Bush. Gibson's panel included comedian Patrice Oneal, who suggested that no topic is off-limits so long as you can be humorous about it. We're pretty sure this was the first time anyone used the phrase "donkey punch" on Fox News. Before last night's Jerry Falwell remembrance, of course.
Fox News: Why ABC Didn't Ax Rosie O'Donnell
abalk2 · 04/27/07 02:02PM
Rosie got pushed out by ABC. Was it the grabbing the crotch and shouting "Eat me"? Probably not. As grotesque as that command was, as awful as that image may be, it was probably just a gag-inducing moment that only confirmed what the ABC suits and Barbara Walters had already decided. They had to have decided she must go because of one reason: her insistence on pushing 9/11 conspiracy nutter theories on national network television, a deeply embarrassing thing for any self-respecting network, especially one that is vying for the top spot in the evening news wars.