We are not particularly proud of the fact that we saw 27 Dresses over the weekend, but it's a fact and what's done is done. (Here's the trailer, to the left.) Shame and guilt aside, the weddings section of a New York Journal is prominently featured throughout the movie. Katherine Heigl's obsessed and cuts out her favorite wedding write-ups and saves them; her love interest played by James Marsden is the Journal's lead wedding writer. As such, a much-needed bit relevancy was bestowed upon this feature. Take that, South Carolina primaries! After the jump, Altarcations' awards for the best and worst wedding announcements in yesterday's Times.

MOST UNLIKELY SIDE PROJECTS COUPLED WITH WORST DJ NAME: The last graf of the otherwise hum drum Katherine Applegarth and Matthew Simons wedding (she's a marketing and business consultant; he's an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine) read: "The bride is also a founding member of the Suburbia Roller Derby league of Westchester County, using the name Rat-Tat-Kat. The bridegroom is a D.J. known as G-Funk, playing at bars and clubs in Brooklyn and Manhattan."

LEAST SEXY WAY TO DECIDE WHETHER TO MARRY SOMEONE: An excerpt from the Laura Brown and Brian Vogt story, this weeks featured "Vows" couple: About a year and a half into their relationship, Ms. Brown could sense Mr. Vogt was hesitant about the next step, so one quiet evening at his apartment, she took out a handwritten list of topics that she had developed. It consisted of eight discussion points, including family, spirituality and sexuality. "I thought, 'If I eliminate some of his uncertainty, maybe he'll be more willing to take this risk,' " Ms. Brown said. She considered asking him to marry her. Instead, over a period of several months, she brought out the list, engaging him in a discussion on one of the topics following an evening out or on a weekend afternoon.

BEST FOREFATHER: Between Rachel Berkowitz and O'Donnell Lee, they were descended from three notables — "The bride is a granddaughter of the late George J. Ames, an investment banker at Lazard Frères & Company in New York who aided André Meyer in the firm's success in this country. The bride's maternal grandmother, the late Marion P. Ames, was a leading advocate for court reform in New York State… The bridegroom is a descendant of Allan Pinkerton, the founder of the Pinkerton detective agency.) Impressive, yes, but Mari-Claudia Jimenez , is descended from Justo Rodriguez Santos, "a Cuban poet who was a member of Orígenes, a prominent group of writers and painters founded in the 1930s by the poet José Lezama Lima." After seeing 27 Dresses, we're feeling the need to be more literary, so we're going to give this one to M-C Jimenez.

BEST CORRECTION: Last week, we were somewhat befuddled by the fact that Eve Thompson was the one who paid for her and Richard Thompson's $500 Lion King tickets, because when her mom asked her the next day, "I hope you at slept with him, at least," we were kind of like, "whaa?" but we ran with it. According to this week's correction, he was the one who actually paid for the tickets, so her sleeping with him makes so much more sense now! Glad that's settled.