Emily Brill's amazing adventure in self-publishing and restarting her life has begun! The disaffected daughter of niche media mogul Steven Brill posted no fewer than four articles to her website over the weekend. The reports were long on events and socialite sightings and short on both pictures and some of the racier content she promised in her debut post: "intimate dinners with George Clooney," "exotic trips," "the Ritalin." But the aspiring social diarist does appear to be slowly learning the the basics of socialite reporting, starting with bring something to write things down on. Also, ask questions. Also, remember to take lots of pictures. Most importantly, definitely include anything that happened while drunk, including getting felt up.

Luckily Brill learned that last lesson in time to write about it:

Next stop was GoldBar. Melissa Berkelhammer, Andrew Parker [owner of a fur salon on Madison Avenue], and I grabbed a cab and headed over. We were so freezing by the time we finally made it inside (minor door glitch…) that I was about ready to ask Andrew for a VIP invasion of this fur salon. We headed straight for the bar to erase all memories of hypothermia and once our drinks were in hand, we got word that the cool kids were in the DJ booth .

Rock and roll. We made our way back. Sure enough, Annabel was dancing up a storm while the DJ spun. I can't really remember whether I danced on top of the banquette/seats or on the floor level near where Annabel was. I do remember Andrew touching my leg (several times)...Andrew....

Melissa and I headed for the ladies and the three of decided to reconvene in the main bar with the rest of our friends. Devorah had just arrived, and I was also thrilled to see friend/actress Francesca Cecil (actually, we had hung out for awhile at Unruly-she was wearing a stunning Lanvin jacket). I also ran into friend and model Angelica Campagno (we had all met at the Riverkeeper party a few weeks ago). We stayed for awhile longer, and I think I might have even taken to the dance floor (yikes) for a song that caught me right, but Melissa and I felt the need for a scene change at some point. Not sure why. We might have just been a wee bit tipsy. We ultimately ended up at Bar and Books – it was the perfect way to end the night, actually. We didn't want to go straight home because we were too wound up. But it was perfect. I think I was home and in bed by 3. And I had never been so excited for it. Sleep. Finally. YES. No events tomorrow. SLEEP WOMAN.

[Essentially Emily]