Paris Hilton Loses Her Pussy

Twisted heiress Paris Hilton hates kittens, especially her shivering, terrified cat Prada, who has "rarely been held or socialized" according to the Kris Kelly Foundation. The foundation let Hilton adopt the innocent kitten in May and has been witness to her heartless cruelty ever since. Cat-hating Hilton didn't neuter Prada for more than six months, and then when she finally took him in she forgot about helpless Prada and abandoned him at the vet for a week until he was rescued by the Kris Kelly Foundation. WORSE STILL: "There were unconfirmed reports that all of Paris' animals, including Prada, were in her Los Angeles home with no one living on the premises for months at a time, save a housekeeper going in to feed the animal." AND THIS IS THE HARVARD WOMAN OF THE YEAR?? Hilton's lame excuse, followed by the Kris Kelly Foundation's outraged press release, and bonus archival cat video, after the jump.
Paris' reps have been quoted saying she thought the kitty would be delivered home from the vet, like a pizza. But that hardly blunts the Kris Kelly Foundation's allegations:
When Paris Hilton adopted an adorable kitten that she named Prada from the Kris Kelly Foundation last May she was told that she needed to have him neutered by six months of age. When the foundation learned, just two weeks ago, that Prada had yet to be neutered and that there were unconfirmed reports that all of Paris' animals, including Prada, were in her Los Angeles home with no one living on the premises for months at a time, save a housekeeper going in to feed the animals, Kris Kelly, the foundation's founder became alarmed and concerned. After reaching an assistant it was agreed that Prada would be dropped off to be neutered at a local vet's office. Paris' housekeeper left the cat at the vet on Wednesday January 30th but neither Paris Hilton nor any of her staff ever went back to get Prada. He was simply abandoned at the vet's office!
"We gave Ms. Hilton every opportunity to do the right thing for Prada but she failed to comply and then abandoned him. After seven days no-one from her household has even contacted us or the vet's office to check on the well being and whereabouts of poor Prada. We now have Prada in a foster home and have no intention of giving him back to Ms. Hilton. She has proved to be a negligent pet owner." Kris Kelly announced today.
The foundations president, Linzi Glass had this to add; "Being a pet owner requires a level of responsibility and maturity. It is clear that Ms. Hilton lacks the maturity to take care of anyone or anything but herself. It is our belief that rescue animals need extra love and attention. Prada is a scared and frightened cat who clearly has rarely been held or socialized."
Bonus cat video, which is from Russia but at this point might as well be the Hilton estate's version of cat hell: