Well, Eliot Spitzer has not resigned as Governor of New York. Not yet, at least. But Fox News' report may still be accurate. The governor's statement sounds like a farewell. He begins in the past tense, and goes on to say that change is a matter of ideas, rather than individuals. That is to say, even if Spitzer's political career is over, his ideas will live on. Good luck with that. Here's the statement: "We sought to bring real change to New York, and that will continue. I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family, and violates my or any sense of right and wrong. I apologize first and most importantly to my family. I apologize to the public, to whom I promised better. I do not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals. It is about ideas, the public good, and doing what is best for the State of New York. I am disappointed not to live up to the standard I set for myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family."