Rupert Murdoch got all excited about his new business channel, Fox Business Network, which was totally going to crush CNBC after launching last Feruary. Murdoch goosed ratings by putting a Penthouse centerfold and also internet seductress Rachel Marsden on air, and within four months shared a very special Valentine's day semen story with viewers. But the doddering old media mogul, who has received so much worshipful praise for his well-timed acquisition of social networking website MySpace, forgot to register before announcing the station to the world, and now a court just ruled he will never ever get the domain name back from a cybersquatter. Luckily, someone who knows something about the internet convinced the old bastard to shell out the $15 to reserve, so expect the Fox Business Network to lose the "Network" part of its name in a hurry, or change its title to clownpenis.fart, the domain name used by a slow-to-the-Web bank in a 1999 Saturday Night Live commercial. Video of the SNL commercial after the jump.

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[Hollywood Reporter]